
A blog about the Australian legal profession.


This blog contains the musings of a former Australian law student now top-tier junior lawyer.

What is the purpose of this blog?

Law can be an isolating and individualistic pursuit. In law school you are competing against a large amount of people for a limited number of job opportunities. In the profession you are trying to climb some form of ladder.

I hope my writing makes it feel like you have another person on your team to give you advice and to challenge your opinions. Further, whether you are considering studying law, seeking guidance on how to navigate law school, or taking your first steps into the profession post-graduation, I hope my writing can make the legal industry more accessible for you.

How should I consume your writing?

As I said above, these posts are simply my musings. Read with an open mind, but a healthy degree of skepticism.

Take risks by trialing my advice. If it works for you – great! If not, you probably haven’t lost much.

Interact with me and others in the comments section. No matter how silly or stupid it may seem, let it out in the comments. If you found something helpful, let me know why. If you require further explanation, challenge me in the comments. If you straight out disagree, constructively tell me why.

I have an idea for a post!

Unreal, I’m all ears! Use the contact form here (coming soon) to let me know your idea. Everything on this site is for the readers, so let me know what you want to see.